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European Association for the Teaching of Academic Writing (EATAW 2023) Writing Technology, Thinking and Learning
Dr Karin Whiteside, University of Reading and Cara EAP Steer group member delivered a presentation on grant proposals written by Syrian academics. EATAW is organised...
Third-Party Events
Mahmoud Zinalabadin Gives a Lecture at The Courtauld Institute
23 February 2023 Congratulations to Dr Mahmoud Zinalabadin, a Cara Syria Programme (SP) participant for his excellent lecture at The Courtauld Institute of Art, U. of...
Dr Mahmoud Zinalabadin gives lecture at the V&A
6 June 2023 Syria Programme participant and architect, Dr Mahmoud Zinalabadin, presented on his work on the historic city of Aleppo at the V&A as...
Agricultural Voices Syria (AVS) Policy Brief
Dr Mirela Barbu University of Sussex Business School, Prof Martin Spinelli School of Media, Arts and Humanities, University of Sussex, Dr Shaher Abdullateef Syrian Academic...
Against hope, academics strive for global recognition of HE
Professor Miassar Alhasan, University World News, 31 March 2023 Prof. Miassar Alhasan, Syria Programme Fellow, is the Rector of Al Sham University, one of a...
Syrian Humming Project
As a part of GCRF-funded project called Syrian Food Futures, Syrian Humming Project is a sound art project that aims to tap into the personal...
Supporters and Partners
English for Academic Purposes (EAP)
Academic Skills Development (ASD)
Research Incubation Visits (RIVs)
“It definitely was such a privilege to spend time with all researchers and mentors to work on the same written piece at the same time...
Syria Events
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Professor Professor Simon Goldhill
Professor Simon Goldhill is Foreign Secretary & Vice President of the British Academy and Professor of Greek Literature and Culture at the University of Cambridge,...
Professor Sir Malcolm Grant
Professor Sir Malcolm Grant is Chancellor of the University of York, and was previously for 10 years the President and Provost of University College London....
Dr Flavia Schlegel
Dr Flavia Schlegel has a distinguished international career which includes positions at UNESCO and as Science Diplomat in Washington DC/US, and Shanghai/China. Dr Schlegel held...
Professor Jen Baird
Jen Baird, FSA is Professor of Archaeology in the Department of History, Classics and Archaeology at Birkbeck College, University of London. Her work focusses on...
Professor Lisa Boden
Lisa Boden is a Professor of Population Medicine and Veterinary Public Health Policy at the University of Edinburgh, based in the Global Academy of Agriculture...
Dawn Chatty
Dawn Chatty is Emeritus Professor in Anthropology and Forced Migration and former Director of the Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford, United Kingdom. She was...
Professor Christine Chinkin
Professor Christine Chinkin, FBA, CMG, previously Professor of International Law, is currently Professorial Research Fellow at the Centre for Women Peace and Security at LSE...
Maggie Grant
Dr Maggie Grant is a researcher at the University of Stirling, whose work focuses on children, families and migration. She is currently working on an...
Joanna Haigh
Professor Joanna Haigh was co-Director of the Grantham Institute – Climate Change and the Environment at Imperial College London. For five years prior to that...
Dr Kristen Hopper
Dr Kristen Hopper is Assistant Professor (Research) on the Endangered Archaeology in the Middle East and North Africa (EAMENA) Project at Durham University, UK. Kristen...
Bahriye Kemal
Dr Bahriye Kemal is a lecturer in Contemporary and Postcolonial Literatures at the University of Kent, and a poet-performer and cultural activist. She was born...
Professor Kevin Mcdonald
Prof. Kevin McDonald holds a doctorate from the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (Paris) and is professor of Sociology at Middlesex University, London. ...
Professor Colleen McLaughlin
Colleen McLaughlin is Emeritus Professor of Education, University of Cambridge. Her last roles in the University were as a senior advisor to the VC and...
Juliet Millican
Dr Juliet Millican is a freelance consultant working in the field of education, conflict and displacement. Her work covers the role of higher education in...
Professor Robin Perutz
After studying at Cambridge and Newcastle, Professor Robin Perutz worked in Mülheim, Edinburgh and Oxford, before moving to the University of York in 1983 where...
Professor Ann Phoenix
Professor Ann Phoenix is Professor of Psychosocial Studies at the Thomas Coram Research Unit, Department of Social Science, UCL Institute of Education. She is on...
Professor Tom Shakespeare
Professor Tom Shakespeare CBE FBA, chair of disability research at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Formerly at UEA, Newcastle University, Leeds University, Sunderland...
Professor Elaine Unterhalter
Professor Elaine Unterhalter is Professor of Education & International Development at UCL Institute of Education. She has published widely on global inequality and higher education....
Professor Robin Grimes
As a material scientist at Imperial College, Professor Robin Grimes has used computer modelling to predict the structural and dynamic behaviour of ceramics, metals and...
Professor Michael Worton
Michael Worton, Emeritus Professor of Arts and former Vice-Provost, UCL, is Chair of Cara. He is also currently Chair of the Strategic Steering Committee, PSL...
Professor Jim Al-Khalili
Professor Jim Al-Khalili CBE FRS is an academic, author and broadcaster. He holds a Distinguished Chair in Theoretical Physics at the University of Surrey where...
Professor Wendy Pullan
Wendy Pullan is Professor Emerita of Architecture and Urban Studies at the University of Cambridge and Director of the Centre for Urban Conflicts Research. She...
Dr Abdul Hafiz AbdulHafiz
Abdul Hafiz Abdulhafiz is an Assistant Professor with the Robotic Vision research group in Hasan Kalyoncu University’s Computer Engineering Department, in Gaziantep, Turkey. He completed...
Dr Sohayb Abdulkarim
S. Abdulkerim: (; web of science Id: AAG-6596-2020) Dr. Eng. Sohayb Abdulkerim has an MSc in aerospace engineering from the university of Salford, UK and...
Dr Muhammed Üsame Abdullah
Dr Muhammed Üsame Abdullah gained a bachelor’s degree in Engineering (electronics and communications) and a master’s in communication engineering from Al-Baath University, Syria. He is...
Dr Hanadi Abdullah Omaish
Dr Hanadi Abdullah Omaish has a PhD in Mathematics, Informatics & Programming. She was previously an Assistant Professor at Al-Baath University in the Department of...
The British Academy
The British Academy is: – An independent fellowship of world-leading scholars and researchers – A funding body that supports new research, nationally and internationally –...
The Royal Society
The Royal Society considers academic freedom to be central to the practice of science, and believes it is key to the Society’s purpose to promote...
The University of Edinburgh
The SyrianFoodFutures project aimed to establish a network of diverse expertise between Syrian, Turkish & UK researchers, practitioners & decision-makers so that local cultural &...
University of Kent
‘Women Writing Syria: Resilience, Solidarity, Movement’ & ‘Documenting Syria: Health, Space, Activism.’ Q&A with BAFTA award winning director Waad Al-Kateab.
University of Sussex
Through the creation of a podcast series, Agricultural Voices Syria aimed to reconnect Syrian farmers and other actors in agri-food value chains with the country’s...
Aleppian Moon
In late 2019, amidst the Lebanese uprising, several female journalists covering the news were subjected to toxic online abuse. Dr Hala Mulki, a data scientist,...
Return Flow
Dr Kifah Mohamad Hsayan is a civil engineer who studied water engineering. She likes water and has gone where she needs to go to fulfil...
Sunrise on the Horizon
Dr Ahmed Halil, a Syrian literary theorist, translator and Arab/Turkish linguist had the good fortune to know and write about Walid Ikhlasi, one of Syria’s...
‘At the Margins of the University: Scholarship and practice of higher education transformation and disruption in contexts of post/conflict, inequality and oppression’
At this event as part of the School of Social Sciences, Education & Social Work (SSESW)’s research focus on Peace in Societies, reflections on three...
Syrian Academics and their role in the future of food security for Syria
A parallel SP Round Table was run in Istanbul in partnership with, and co-funded by, the University of Edinburgh, with a focus on Food Security...
RT6 Enhancing Higher Education Quality in northwest Syria: Institution Building through Developmental Partnerships
To review and revisit current Sham University structures, policies and practices, and degree programmes.
RT5 A Risk-based Approach to Quality Management & Assurance
Run in Gaziantep, RT5 focused on the overarching question of ‘Quality in HE’ and the adoption of a risk-based approach that places context at its...
RT4 Challenges Facing the Emerging University Sector in northwest Syria
Run in Istanbul, RT4 brought together the rectors and vice rectors of the two leading universities in northwest Syria, i.e. Free Aleppo University, a public...
RT3 Immediate & Future Challenges for Syrian Higher Education
Run in Istanbul, aimed to facilitate the development of strategies to support continued delivery of HE in northwest Syria. This is an area to which...
RT2 Academic Development for Conflict and Refugee Contexts
Run in Istanbul, it brought together colleagues from other conflict affected HEIs (e.g. West Bank, Belarus, Bosnia) to share their experiences and emerging lessons with...
A Different World
Dr Mahmoud Zin Alabadin presented on his work at the V&A as part of its ‘Culture in Crisis: Architecture Responds’ programme and contribution to the...
RT1 Sustaining Syria’s Intellectual Capital: Academics as Agents for Change
Co-hosted in Istanbul by Bogazici University (Day1) and the Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul (Day 2), and co-funded by the Swedish Consulate General, Norwegian MFA,...
British Association of Lecturers in English for Academic Purposes (BALEAP 2023) Caution! EAP under Deconstruction
Dr Maggie Grant, Emerita Oxford University and Cara Syria Programme EAP Steering Group member presented a paper on her and Dr Karin Whiteside’s, University of...
Solidarity with Academic Communities in Syria & Türkiye
This event was organised by the Knowledge, Power, Politics research group at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, in collaboration with: Centre for International...
SRHE Conference – Reframing Education in Emergency
This plenary session provided a space to discuss and better understand the challenges facing higher education in situations of conflict. We heard from Cara (the...
Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Conflict: Perspectives from the Cara Syria Programme
This seminar showcased the research of scholars participating in the Cara (Council for At-Risk Academics) Syria Programme (SP), which has been supporting academics affected by...
6th Learner Corpus Research Conference
The international conference for Learner Corpus Research (LCR) is organised under the aegis of the Learner Corpus Association (, which brings together researchers, language instructors...
17th International Clay Conference
The scientific program of the 17th International Clay Conference (ICC) 2022 brought together scientists from different disciplines related to clays and clay minerals. The 17th...
Teaching and Language Corpora Conference
Topics that are within the scope of TaLC include, but are not necessarily limited to, corpus-based approaches to language learning, teaching and assessment in the...
International Conference on Calcined Clays for Sustainable Concrete
This conference gathered experts from the scientific and industrial communities working on the use of calcined clays in construction materials, with emphasis in concrete. The...
Norwegian Forum for EAP
The theme of the conference was ‘Beginnings’. The Cara Syria Programme contingency presented “Helping Beginner Researchers Begin: Genre Analysis and Teaching Materials for Writing Grant...
International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language
The Cara Syria Programme (SP) presented “The Cara Syria Programme Almultakas: co-creating fresh spaces online” by Will Hutton. This piece concentrated on the online Almultakas...
Syrian Christian Experiences During the Syrian Uprising
The Institute of Middle East, Central Asia and Caucasus Studies (MECACS) together with the Cara (Council for At-Risk Academics) Syria Programme (SP), and the Centre...
British Association of Lecturers in English for Academic Purposes (BALEAP 2021) Exploring Pedagogical Approaches in EAP Teaching
The Cara Syria Programme EAP Steer Group members presented at the BALEAP EAP for Social Justice event ‘EAP for Refugees’ with video testimonials from participants....
1st International Gobeklitepe Agriculture Congress
Presentation: ‘The Expression and Inheritance of 100 Seeds Weight and Growth Habit Traits Across Ten Wild Crossed with Cultivated Chickpea (NAM) Advanced Generation Populations’ by...
Linguistic Issues Conference
Presentation: ‘The Cara Syria Programme: Integrating Teaching of English for Academic Purposes into a Programme Supporting Exiled Syrian Academics’ by Dr Karin Whiteside and Dr...
Academics Beyond Borders
This conference explored the work of Cara, focusing on the practical aspects of hosting and supporting a Cara Fellow and identify areas for further partnership....
British Association of Lecturers in English for Academic Purposes (BALEAP 2019), Innovation, Exploration and Transformation
Session: ‘EAP for Syrian Academics at Risk: Facilitating engagement and collaboration’ by Michael Jenkins. The Cara (Council for At-Risk Academics) Syria Programme is an innovative...
International Conference on Engineering Technologies
Presentation: ‘Performance Evaluation of P&O, IC and FL Algorithms used in Maximum Power Point Tracking Systems’ by Dr. Fuad Alhaj Omar, SP Fellow. Conference proceedings...
Pro Language Conference
Presentation: ‘The Cara Syria Programme: Integrating the teaching of English for Academic Purposes into a programme to support exiled Syrian academics’ by Dr Sarah Brewer...
European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), ‘Inclusion and Exclusion, Resources for Educational Research?’
Conference paper ‘Professional identity in exile: A case study of Syrian displaced academics in Turkey’. Authors: by McLaughlin C., Dillabough JA., Fimyar O., Al Azmeh...
SRHE Digital University network event ‘Digital Technologies on the Ground: Foregrounding local educational practices in an era of global technology’
Securing Syria’s academic knowledge and industrial future: a case study of agricultural engineering education. Keynote speakers: Since conflict began in 2011, Syria has experienced the...
SRHE International Annual Research Conference
Presentation: ‘Securing Syria’s academic knowledge and industrial future through participatory action research: a case study of agricultural engineering education’ by Dr. Shaher Abdullateef and Dr....
A Beacon of Humanity
It is not easy to build a university from the ground up, but this is precisely what Dr Izdin Elkadour, and other Syrian academics, did...
Syria is Beautiful
When the earthquake happened, Professor Miassar Alhasan and his family were fast asleep in their home in Gaziantep, Turkey. They threw themselves on their daughter...
Farewell, Aleppo
In the first few years of the Syrian civil war, it is thought that over 2000 academics fled Syria for their security to Turkiye, Lebanon,...
Language is Power
Dr Mohammed Ateek teaches applied linguistics and languages at the University of Leicester and has worked with Cara since 2018. He believes that both linguistic...
Time Will Tell
Rohat Zada’s field is the complex and endless generative world of finance studies. His scholarly interests include emerging stock markets, corporate governance, financial performance indicators, novel...
The Great Fighters
All human beings contain multitudes, Whitman wrote. And the eternal problem for creative people such as Saad Vafaibaaj during wartime and in its aftermath is...
The Revolution of Hope
Dr Hanadi Omaish has been involved with some of the most important advances in technology for over a decade. As a mathematician working in informatics,...
It is a testament to her feelings for Cara that Greek media scholar, Dr Maria Kyriakidou agrees to a conversation about her work amidst a...
“The ability to find interest and excitement in something that 99% of society think is just grey and boring – I revel in that!” Indeed,...
Recycling Rubble can help rebuild Syria faster
Damian Carrington, Environment editor, The Guardian, 31 March 2023 “Concrete rubble from destroyed buildings in Syria can be safely recycled into new concrete, scientists have...
BBC Science in Action interview with Syria Programme Fellow on Türkiye/Syria earthquakes
Interviewee Dr Abdulkader Rashwani, BBC Science in Action, 9 February 2023 This BBC Science in Action report on the Turkiye/Syria February 2023 earthquakes, includes an...
Syria Programme Collaboration: Syrian Food Futures reports now available
Prof. Lisa Boden, The University of Edinburgh, 23 November 2022 The Syrian Food Futures project aimed to strengthen partnerships between researchers, practitioners and decision-makers in...
Syrian academics gain AdvanceHE Fellowships from USW
University of South Wales (USW), Refugee Week article, 20 June 2023 Syria Programme participants Dr Jamil Hallak, Dr Sohayb Abdulkarim and Dr Fateh Shaban have been...
People of the Earth
Based between Turkiye, Germany and northwest Syria, Dr Shaher Abdullateef is an independent researcher, agronomist and environmental activist who advocates for food security and development...
Agricultural knowledge from academy to farming communities: The role of higher education in enhancing food security in Syria. (Arabic)
تقدمُ ديناميات الصراع السوري مجموعة معقدة من التحديات التي أدت إلى معاناة نحو 10.5 مليون سوري من انعدام الأمن الغذائي. استكشفت هذه الدراسة دور التعليم...
Agricultural knowledge from academy to farming communities: The role of higher education in enhancing food security in Syria. (English)
The dynamics of the Syrian conflict present a complex set of challenges that led to an estimated 10.5 million Syrians being food insecure. This study...
Agricultural Voices Syria: A podcast for promoting sustainable agricultural practices in Northwest Syria. (Arabic)
من أبرز آثار الصراع السوري على الزراعة هو انهيار خدمات الدعم للمزارعين في شمال غرب سوريا، والتي كانت تقدمها الحكومة قبل عام 2011. وقد أضاف...
Agricultural Voices Syria: A podcast for promoting sustainable agricultural practices in Northwest Syria. (English)
One of the most critical impacts of the Syrian conflict on agriculture has been the collapse of support services for farmers in northwest Syria, which...
A primary evaluation of Syrian forest damage since 2011: Alhamam and Alboz forests. (Arabic)
قيمت هذه الدراسة الأضرار التي لحقت بغابات الحمام والبوز الواقعة في محافظة إدلب السورية منذ بداية الحرب في عام 2011. وقد جرى تطوير نهج متعدد...
A primary evaluation of Syrian forest damage since 2011: Alhamam and Alboz forests. (English)
This study evaluated the damage that has occurred to the Alhamam and Alboz forests located in the Syrian province of Idlib, since the start of...
Cross-border-connected learning for skills development of Syrian agricultural engineers. (Arabic)
قبل عام 2011، كانت الجامعات الحكومية والمؤسسات الخاصة في سوريا هي المصادر الرئيسة للمعرفة والتدريب على مهارات الصناعة والزراعة. ولكن بسبب الصراع المستمر والأزمة الإنسانية...
Cross-border-connected learning for skills development of Syrian agricultural engineers. (English)
Prior to 2011, public universities and private institutions in Syria were the main sources of knowledge and skills training for industry and agriculture. Due to...
Determinants of the economic adaptation of refugees: The case of Midyat Camp. (Arabic)
وسام الدين العكلة: محددات التكيف الاقتصادي للاجئين: حالة مخيم مديات هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى استكشاف العوامل التي تؤثر على التكيف الاقتصادي للاجئين في مخيم مديات...
Determinants of the economic adaptation of refugees: The case of Midyat Camp. (English)
Determinants of the Economic Adaptation of Refugees: The Case of Midyat Camp The aim of this study was to explore the factors affecting the economic...
Development of chickpea NAM (Nested Association Mapping) population to find novel genes for Syria. (Arabic)
يعتبر الحُمّص من أهم المحاصيل البقولية في العالم. هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى إنتاج حمّص عالي الغلة ومقاوم للأمراض عن طريق إدخال جينات من أنواع برية...
Development of chickpea NAM (Nested Association Mapping) population to find novel genes for Syria. (English)
Chickpeas are one of the most important legume crops in the world. This study aimed to breed high-yielding, disease-resilient chickpeas by introducing genes from wild...
Discipline-specific knowledge gaps amongst higher education students in northern Syria: Causes and potential solutions. (Arabic)
The education sector in Syria has faced many challenges and changes since the outbreak of the conflict in 2011, due to factors such as displacement,...
Discipline-specific knowledge gaps amongst higher education students in northern Syria: Causes and potential solutions. (English)
The education sector in Syria has faced many challenges and changes since the outbreak of the conflict in 2011, due to factors such as displacement,...
Evaluation of Syrian university record systems in the non-regime conflict-affected North of Syria. (Arabic)
. تقييم أنظمة السجلّات الجامعيّة السوريّة في مناطق شمال سوريا المتضرّرة من النزاع والغير خاضعة لسيطرة النظام كان للصراع الذي استمرّ لأكثر من عقد في...
Evaluation of Syrian university record systems in the non-regime conflict-affected North of Syria. (English)
Evaluation of Syrian university record systems in the non-regime conflict-affected North of Syria More than a decade of conflict in Syria has had a major...
Exploring reasons for divergent local community responses to archaeological site protection during conflict in the Northwest of Syria. (Arabic)
عدنان المحمّد “استكشاف أسباب استجابات المجتمعات المحلية المتباينة لحماية المواقع الأثريّة أثناء النزاع في شمال غرب سوريا.” أظهر الضرر الرهيب الذي لحق بالتراث الثقافي السوري...
Exploring Reasons for Divergent Local Community Responses to the Protection of Archaeological Sites during Conflict in northwest Syria
The terrible damage to Syrian cultural heritage inflicted over the war has demonstrated the failure of international organizations and cultural agreements to protect antiquities in...
Exploring reasons for divergent local community responses to the protection of archaeological sites during conflict in northwest Syria. (English)
The terrible damage to Syrian cultural heritage inflicted over the war has demonstrated the failure of international organizations and cultural agreements to protect antiquities in...
Feminist movements between cultural heritage and revolution: Northwest Syria. (Arabic)
أيمن النابو. الحركات النسوية بين التراث الثقافي والثورة: شمال غرب سوريا ركّز هذا البحث على تأثير التراث الثقافي، أي العادات والأعراف الاجتماعية، على مشاركة المرأة...
Feminist movements between cultural heritage and revolution: Northwest Syria. (English)
Feminist movements between cultural heritage and revolution: NW Syria. This research focused on the impact of cultural heritage, i.e. customs and social norms on the...
Food insecurity in Syria: A perennial wicked problem. (Arabic)
تشير التقديرات إلى أن أكثر من اثني عشر مليون شخص في سوريا يعانون من انعدام الأمن الغذائي في عام 2021. وعادة ما تستلزم استجابات الوكالات...
Food insecurity in Syria: A perennial wicked problem. (English)
Over twelve million people in Syria are estimated to be food insecure in 2021. Humanitarian and development agency responses to food insecurity typically entail direct...
From shelter to home: Studying the requirements of moving to permanent housing for IDPs in the camps of northern Syria. (Arabic)
. يوسف الحمودي: من مأوى إلى منزل: دراسة متطلبات الانتقال إلى سكن دائم للمهجرين في مخيمات الشمال السوري. مع دخول الأزمة السورية الآن عامها الحادي...
From shelter to home: Studying the requirements of moving to permanent housing for IDPs in the camps of northern Syria. (English)
With the Syrian crisis now in its eleventh year, much of the scholarly focus has been on the lack of prospects for durable solutions for...
Gender balance of higher education in northern Syria challenges & solutions. (Arabic)
التوازن بين الجنسين في التعليم العالي في شمال سوريا: التحديات والحلول حظي التوازن بين الجنسين باهتمام ضئيل في مؤسسات التعليم العالي في سياق شمال سوريا...
Gender balance of higher education in northern Syria challenges & solutions. (English)
Gender Balance of Higher Education in Northern Syria: Challenges & Solutions. Gender balance in higher education institutions (HEIs) in the context of the non-regime North of Syria...
Globalising female Muslim piety: Transnational Qubaysiyyat networks. (Arabic)
ليلى الرفاعي.عولمة التدين النسائي: شبكات القبيسيات العابرة للحدود تأسست حركة القبيسيات في دمشق على يد منيرة القبيسي في ستينيات القرن العشرين، كمجموعة دينية فريدة للنساء...
Globalising female Muslim piety: Transnational Qubaysiyyat networks. (English)
The Qubaysiyyat movement was founded in Damascus by Mounira Al-Qubaysi in the 1960s, as a unique religious group to which only women are able to...
Graffiti in Raqqa: Social and political memory. (Arabic)
. حسن المحمد. الكتابات الجدارية (الغرافيتي) في الرقة: الذاكرة الاجتماعية والسياسية بعد اندلاع الثورة السورية في آذار 2011، وهزيمة داعش في عام 2017، ونقل السلطة...
Graffiti in Raqqa: Social and political memory.(English)
Following the start of the Syrian revolution in March 2011, the defeat of ISIS in 2017, and thede facto transfer of power to the Syrian...
Improved analytical signal (IAS): a new phase-based-filter for detection of unexploded ordnance. (Arabic)
الإشارة التحليلية المحسّنة: مرشح جديد قائم على الطور للكشف عن الذخائر غير المنفجرة تمثل الذخائر غير المنفجرة كالقنابل والألغام والقذائف مشكلةً عالميةً خطيرة، لا سيما...
Improved analytical signal (IAS): a new phase-based-filter for detection of unexploded ordnance. (English)
Unexploded ordnance, such as bombs, mines, and projectiles, represent a serious worldwide problem, especially in places where armed conflicts has occurred. Most UXOs in Europe...
Integrating Syrian refugee children in Turkey: The role of Turkish language skills – Gaziantep case study. (Arabic)
. إيمان سرميني: دمج الأطفال السوريين اللاجئين في تركيا: دور مهارات اللغة التركية – دراسة حالة في غازي عنتاب تستكشف هذه الدراسة القضايا المتعلقة بدمج...
Integrating Syrian refugee children in Turkey: The role of Turkish language skills – Gaziantep case study. (English)
This study explores the issues relating to the integration of Syrian refugee children aged between 11-14 years, into the Turkish school system, focusing specifically on...
Interdisciplinary collaborative writing for publication with exiled academics: The nature of relational expertise. (Arabic)
الكتابة التعاونية متعدّدة التخصصات للنشر مع الأكاديميين المنفيّين: طبيعة الخبرة العلائقية يستكشف هذا العمل تجربة الكتابة الأكاديمية التعاونية مع الباحثين في سياقات المركز والمحيط بعد...
Interdisciplinary collaborative writing for publication with exiled academics: The nature of relational expertise. (English)
This work explores the experience of collaborative academic writing with researchers in Centre-Periphery contexts, following the development and delivery of a workshop with exiled Syrian...
Maximising meaningful and impactful mental-health research for Syrian refugees during Covid-19: Co-creation, local relevance and ethical practice. (Arabic)
نُفذ برنامج “من الميدان” بين نيسان وأيلول من عام 2020 بُغية استكشاف تأثير جائحة كوفيد على حياة وسبل عيش السوريين الذين يعيشون في لبنان وكردستان...
Maximising meaningful and impactful mental-health research for Syrian refugees during Covid-19: Co-creation, local relevance and ethical practice. (English)
From the Field was implemented between April and September 2020, to explore the impact of Covid-19 on the lives and livelihoods of Syrians living in...
Rapid control prototyping for photovoltaic MPPT algorithms. (Arabic)
النماذج الأولية للتحكم السريع لخوارزميات MPPT الكهروضوئية تمّ تدمير معظم البنية التحتيّة للكهرباء منذ بداية الحرب في سوريا، ممّا ترك الملايين يعتمدون على طاقة لا...
Rapid control prototyping for photovoltaic MPPT algorithms. (English)
Since the beginning of the war in Syria, most of the electricity infrastructure has been destroyed, leaving millions with unreliable energy. In such regions vulnerable...
Real estate registry in Syria after a decade of conflict: A tale of 3 cities (Duma, Ar-Raqqa, Idleb). (Arabic)
أحمد قربي؛السجل العقاري في سوريا بعد عقد من الصراع: حكاية ثلاث مدن (دوما، الرقّة، إدلب) سيكون نظام “تسجيل العقارات” الموحّد والشامل والعادل أساسيًّا لتحقيق سلام...
Real estate registry in Syria after a decade of conflict: A tale of 3 cities (Duma, Ar-Raqqa, Idleb). (English)
A standardised comprehensive and fair ‘Real Estate Registry’ system will be central to establishing sustainable peace in Syria. This study sought to identify, analyse and...
Rebuilding higher education in northern Syria. (Arabic)
إعادة بناء التعليم العالي في شمال سوريا أدّت الحرب الأهليّة السورية التي بدأت مع الثورة عام 2011 إلى فراغ في التعليم العالي في شمال سوريا....
Rebuilding higher education in northern Syria. (English)
The Syrian civil war that began with the revolution in 2011 has led to a vacuum in higher education in northern Syria. Some universities have...
Recycled concrete aggregates from destroyed buildings in Syria. (Arabic)
إعادة تدوير الحصويات من المباني المدمّرة في سوريا أدّت الحرب الأهليّة السوريّة المستمرّة التي بدأت في عام 2011 إلى تدمير أكثر من 130 ألف مبنى،...
Recycled concrete aggregates from destroyed buildings in Syria. (English)
The ongoing Syrian civil war, which began in 2011, has left more than 130,000 buildings destroyed, 70% of which are made of reinforced concrete. When...
Report on a survey of mobility disability amongst Syrian refugees living in Turkey. (Arabic)
صهيب عبد الكريم: مسح لإعاقة الحركة بين اللاجئين السوريين الذين يعيشون في تركيا فرّ أكثر من 5.6 مليون شخص من سوريا منذ اندلاعالحرب الأهلية في...
Report on a survey of mobility disability amongst Syrian refugees living in Turkey. (English)
More than 5.6 million people have fled Syria since the start of theCivil War in 2011, seeking refuge in neighbouring countries such as Jordan, Lebanon...
Social networks of young Syrian families in Turkey: Breadth, nature and functionality relative to the absence or presence of extended family members. (Arabic)
. سلطان جلبي: الشبكات الاجتماعية للعائلات السورية الشابة في تركيا كان الهدف الرئيس من هذه الدراسة هو فهم تأثير غياب الأسرة الكبيرة على الشبكات الاجتماعية...
Social networks of young Syrian families in Turkey: Breadth, nature and functionality relative to the absence or presence of extended family members. (English)
The main objective of this study was to understand the impact of absence of the extended family on the social networks of young families in...
Survey and conservation of farmers crop landraces in Northwest Syria. (Arabic)
سوريا غنية بالموارد الوراثية النباتية للأغذية والزراعة (PGRFA)، بما في ذلك أصناف المحاصيل المتكيفة محلياً وذات الأهمية الثقافية، والتي تكمن قيمتها في خصائصها الغذائية وخصائص...
Survey and conservation of farmers crop landraces in Northwest Syria. (English)
Yasser ALRAMADAN.Survey and conservation of farmers’ crop landraces in NW Syria Syria is rich in plant genetic resources for food and agriculture (PGRFA), including locally...
Syrian cultural heritage during conflict: From destruction to reconstruction and its impact on Syrian cultural identity. The case of Aleppo. (Arabic)
محمود زين العابدين. التراث الثقافي السوري إبّان الصراع أدى القتال الذي اندلع في مدينة حلب بين عامي 2012 و2016 إلى تدمير هائل لكثيرٍ من التراث...
Syrian cultural heritage during conflict: From destruction to reconstruction and its impact on Syrian cultural identity. The case of Aleppo. (English)
The fighting that took place in Aleppo city between 2012 and 2016 has resulted in massive destruction of many of the city’s architectural and cultural...
Syrian food futures: Visioning for the future of food security in Northwest Syria. (Arabic)
شكّلت هذه الدراسة جزءاً من مشروع مستقبل الغذاء السوري الممول من صندوق أبحاث التحديات العالمية والذي أجرته شبكة One Health FIELD Network ( كان هدفنا...
Syrian food futures: Visioning for the future of food security in Northwest Syria. (English)
This study formed part of the GCRF-funded Syrian Food Futures project conducted by the One Health FIELD Network ( Our aim was to facilitate a...
Syrian higher education and social capital in times of conflict. (Arabic)
عبد الناصر الجاسم؛التعليم العالي السوري ورأس المال الاجتماعي في أوقات النزاع. تستكشف هذه الدراسة دور التعليم العالي في تعزيز رأس المال الاجتماعي كوسيلة لبناء سلام...
Syrian higher education and social capital in times of conflict. (English)
This study explores the role of higher education (HE) in fostering social capital as means of building sustainable peace in Syria, with a particular focus...
Syrian Humming Project. Dr Suk-Jun Kim, Korean Sound Artist & Composer. An evening with artists & collaborators. (Arabic)
Dr Suk-Jun Kim will be discussing the Syrian Humming Project.
Syrian Humming Project. Dr Suk-Jun Kim, Korean Sound Artist & Composer. An evening with artists & collaborators. (English)
Dr Suk-Jun Kim will be discussing the Syrian Humming Project.
Syrians only option in Middle Eastern agriculture: Findings from the ‘refugee labour under lockdown’ project. (Arabic)
تستكشف هذه الدراسة تأثير جائحة كوفيد على عمالة اللاجئين في الزراعة في الشرق الأوسط، بالاعتماد على نتائج دراستين إثنوغرافيتين أجريتا عن بعد: من الميدان (2020)...
Syrians only option in Middle Eastern agriculture: Findings from the ‘refugee labour under lockdown’ project. (English)
This study explores the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on refugee labour in Middle Eastern agriculture, drawing on results from two remote ethnographic studies:From the...
The constitutional culture of youth in northern Syria. (Arabic)
حسام السعد الثقافة الدستورية للشباب في شمال سوريا كان الإصلاح الدستوري من أوائل مطالب الثورة السورية عام 2011، تلاه في عام 2012 مطالب بدستور جديد...
The constitutional culture of youth in northern Syria. (English)
One of the initial demands allied to the 2011 Syrian revolution was for constitutional reform, followed in 2012 by demands for a new constitution and...
The destruction and looting of cultural heritage sites by ISIS in Syria: The case of Manbij and its countryside. (Arabic)
. عدنان المحمد. تدمير ونهب مواقع التراث الثقافي من قبل داعش في سوريا: حالة منبج وريفها استمر احتلال تنظيم داعش لبلدة منبج وريفها من 23...
The destruction and looting of cultural heritage sites by ISIS in Syria: The case of Manbij and its countryside. (English)
The ISIS occupation of Manbij City and its countryside lasted from 23rd January 2014 to 12th August 2016, a period during which the region suffered...
The destruction of cultural heritage in Syria: The case of Shash Hamdan Tomb in the Upper Euphrates, 1995–2020. (Arabic)
عدنان المحمد: تدمير التراث الثقافي في سوريا: حالة قبر شاش حمدان 1 في منطقة أعلى الفرات، 1995-2020. يقع موقع شاش حمدان على نهر الفرات في...
The destruction of cultural heritage in Syria: The case of Shash Hamdan Tomb in the Upper Euphrates, 1995–2020.(English)
The Destruction of Cultural Heritage in Syria: The case of Shash Hamdan Tomb 1 in the Upper Euphrates, 1995–2020 Adnan Almohamad The site of Shash...
The economic impact of displaced people on host communities: The case of Al-Bab District.(Arabic)
مسلّم عبد طلاس: الأثر الاقتصادي للمهجرين على المجتمعات المضيفة تبحث هذه الدراسة في التأثير الاقتصادي للمهجرين داخلياً على المجتمعات المضيفة في سوريا، من خلال حالة...
The economic impact of displaced people on host communities: The case of Al-Bab District. (English)
This study investigates the economic impact of internally displaced persons (IDPs) on host communities in Syria, through the case of Al-Bab District, a mixed urban...
The educational experiences of Syrian women in countries of asylum. (Arabic)
. حياة سنكر التجارب التربوية للمرأة السورية في دول اللجوء أدت الأزمة السورية إلى حركة كبيرة للاجئين السوريين إلى بلدان اللجوء، حيث سعت الغالبية إلى...
The educational experiences of Syrian women in countries of asylum. (English)
The Syrian crisis has resulted in a large refugee movement of Syrians to countries of asylum, with the majority having sought safety in Turkey where...
The effectiveness of online teaching & learning of Arabic as a foreign language in Turkish universities.(Arabic)
. ماهر جسري: فاعلية تدريس وتعلم اللغة العربية كلغة أجنبية عبر الإنترنت في الجامعات التركية نظراً لتفشي جائحة كوفيد، اعتمدت المؤسسات التعليمية في جميع أنحاء...
The effectiveness of online teaching & learning of Arabic as a foreign language in Turkish universities. (English)
The effectiveness of teaching and learning Arabic as a foreign language online in Turkish universities Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, online teaching and learning methods...
The effect of electricity shortage on the social wellbeing of people living in North and NW Syria. (Arabic)
تأثير نقص الكهرباء على الرفاهية الاجتماعية لسكّان شمال وشمال غرب سوريا بعد 10 سنوات من الأزمة، أصبحت الحياة أصعب من أي وقت مضى على السوريين...
The effect of electricity shortage on the social wellbeing of people living in North and NW Syria. (English)
After 10 years of crisis, life has become harder than ever for Syrians in the North and NW of Syria. Since 2011, millions of Syrians...
The effect of the Syrian crisis on electricity supply & life in NW Syria. (Arabic)
تأثير الأزمة السورية على إمدادات الكهرباء والحياة الأسرية في شمال غرب سوريا حلّلت هذه الدراسة الوضع الحالي فيما يتعلّق بالحصول على الكهرباء في شمال غرب...
The effect of the Syrian crisis on electricity supply & life in NW Syria. (English)
This study analysed the current situation with regard to access to electricity in Northwest Syria. Using a household survey [N=136], a questionnaire with generator owners...
The felt experience of food security: Role of the arts and humanities. (Arabic)
The felt experience of food security: Role of the arts and humanities
The felt experience of food security: Role of the arts and humanities. (English)
The felt experience of food security: Role of the arts and humanities
The feminine sense & sensibility in the narratives of 4 contemporary Syrian women writers in the diaspora. (Arabic)
رضا أنيس،الحسّ الأنثوي والعاطفة في روايات أربع كاتبات سوريّات معاصرات في الشتات تحللّ هذه الدراسة ثماني روايات كتبتها أربع كاتبات سوريّات بارزات، ولكلّ منهن تجارب...
The feminine sense & sensibility in the narratives of 4 contemporary Syrian women writers in the diaspora. (English)
This study analyses the narratives, i.e. 8 novels, written by four avant-garde Syrian female authors, each with their own diasporic experiences: Sawsan Jamil Hasan, Ibtisam...
The image of the Syrian in post 2011 novels from neighbouring countries. A comparative study: Turkey, Lebanon & Jordan. (Arabic)
، حسين أسوَد: صورة السوريين في ثلاث روايات تركية ولبنانية وأردنية. أدى اندلاع الحرب الأهلية في سوريا (2011) إلى حركة نزوح كبيرة إلى البلدان المجاورة...
The image of the Syrian in post 2011 novels from neighbouring countries. A comparative study: Turkey, Lebanon & Jordan. (English)
The outbreak of civil war in Syria (2011) has led to widespread Syrian displacement in the neighbouring countries of Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey. Studies have...
The impact of modernity on changing the roles and identity of Syrian women in food culture. (Arabic)
سعت هذه الدراسة إلى تحديد وفهم الأدوار المتغيرة للمرأة السورية في إنتاج الغذاء وإعداده نتيجة الصراع والنزوح إلى مجتمعات جديدة، فضلاً عن قياس تأثيرات “الحداثة”...
The impact of modernity on changing the roles and identity of Syrian women in food culture. (English)
This study sought to identify and understand the changing roles of Syrian women in food production and preparation as a result of the conflict and...
The impact of quality management in higher education (HE) in North-West Syria: A risk management approach. (Arabic)
أثر إدارة الجودة في التعليم العالي في شمال غرب سوريا: نهج إدارة المخاطر بحثت هذه الدراسة في نماذج إدارة الجودة المعتمدة من قبل مؤسستين للتعليم...
The impact of quality management in higher education (HE) in North-West Syria: A risk management approach. (English)
The impact of quality management in higher education (HE) in North-West Syria: A risk management approach. This study investigated the quality management models adopted by...
The impact of the civil war in Syria on road networks in the Northeast of Aleppo. (Arabic)
أثر الحرب الأهليّة في سوريا على شبكة الطرق في شمال شرق حلب ألحقت الحرب في سوريا أضرارًا جسيمة بالبنية التحتيّة المادّية لسوريا. إذ تمّ تدميرها...
The impact of the civil war in Syria on road networks in the Northeast of Aleppo. (English)
The war in Syria has inflicted extensive damage on Syria’s physical infrastructure. It has been deliberately destroyed, whether in cities or rural areas. The aim...
The Impact of the Syrian conflict on archaeological sites in Al-Hasakah province. (EAMENA PROJECT) (Arabic)
عدنان رشيد مامو، أثر الصراع السوري على المواقع الأثرية القديمة في محافظة الحسكة قيّمَ هذا المشروع أثر الحرب في سوريا على المواقع الأثرية في محافظة...
The Impact of the Syrian conflict on archaeological sites in Al-Hasakah province. (EAMENA PROJECT) (English)
This project assessed the impact of the Syrian war on archaeological sites in Al-Hasakah Province, through the detailed analysis of satellite images that were captured...
The impact of the Syrian conflict on wheat value chain. (Arabic)
تقدم هذه الدراسة صورة شاملة للتحديات واستراتيجيات التدخل في سلسلة قيمة القمح في شمال سوريا، فضلاً عن تحديد العلاقة بين الجهات الفاعلة في سلسلة القيمة....
The impact of the Syrian conflict on wheat value chain. (English)
This study offers a holistic picture of the challenges and intervention strategies in the wheat value chain in Northern Syria, as well as identifying the...
The psychosocial needs of displaced Syrian refugee youth in Turkish schools: A qualitative study. (Arabic)
رضا أنيس: الاحتياجات النفسية والاجتماعية للشباب السوري المهجر في المدارس التركية: دراسة نوعية – حالة غازي عنتاب تبحث الدراسة في التحديات التي تواجه اللاجئين السوريين...
The psychosocial needs of displaced Syrian refugee youth in Turkish schools: A qualitative study. (English)
The psychosocial needs of displaced Syrian refugee youth in Turkish schools: A qualitative study The study investigates the challenges facing Syrian refugee youth (14-18 years)...
The Relationship Between Food Insecurity and Mental Health Among Syrians and Syrian Refugees During COVID-19. (Arabic)
أُثيرت مخاوف بشأن انعدام الأمن الغذائي والصحة العقلية بين السوريين واللاجئين السوريين. من المتوقع أن يكون لجائحة كوفيد آثار تتجاوز الأمراض التي تؤثر بشكل غير...
The Relationship Between Food Insecurity and Mental Health Among Syrians and Syrian Refugees During COVID-19. (English)
Concern has been raised regarding food insecurity (FI) and mental health (MH) among Syrians and Syrian refugees (SSR). The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is expected to...
The situation of Syrian minorities after 2011: Christians. (Arabic)
نضال عجاج؛ واقعالأقلّيات السورية بعد 2011: المسيحيون كمثال حظيت قضية الأقلّيات السورية بعد ثورة 2011 باهتمام أكبر محليًّا ودوليًّا. إذ أنّ الجماعات المهيمنة المختلفة في...
The situation of Syrian minorities after 2011: Christians. (English)
After the revolution of 2011, the issue of Syrian minorities has attracted more attention both locally and internationally. The various dominant groups in Syria –...
Toward low-cost only vision autonomous wheelchair for disabled people: Corridor trial.(Arabic)
عبد الحافظ عبد الحافظ: نحو كرسي متحرك منخفض الكلفة يعتمد على الرؤية فقط للأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة: دراسة حالة السير في ممر نهدف إلى تحسين حياة...
Toward low-cost only vision autonomous wheelchair for disabled people: Corridor trial. (English)
We aim to improve the lives of disabled people. This project is motivated by the needs of Syrians whose mobility disabilities, many resulting from the...
University students’ mathematical knowledge gaps in Syrian conflict zones. (Arabic)
الفجوات المعرفية الرياضية لطلاب الجامعات في مناطق الصراع السوري يتعطل تعليم الشباب في مناطق النزاع بسبب انعدام الأمن والنزوح وفقدان المعلّمين وإغلاق المدارس وما إلى...
University students’ mathematical knowledge gaps in Syrian conflict zones. (English)
In conflict zones, the education of young people is disrupted due to insecurity, displacement, loss of teachers, school closures etc. resulting in periods of lost...
War and soft infrastructure in Raqqa: A visual sociological and historical approach. (Arabic)
الحرب والبنية التحتيّة اللينة في الرَقّة: نهج بصري اجتماعي وتاريخي لجأتْ قوّات النظام السوري منذ عام 2011 إلى تكتيكات عسكريّة ونفسيّة لاستعادة السيطرة على المدن...
War and soft infrastructure in Raqqa: A visual sociological and historical approach. (English)
Since 2011, Syrian regime forces have used military and psychological tactics to regain control of ‘rebel’ cities, often targeting civil and public places. After first...
Women in contemporary Syria: Culture, power and politics. (Arabic)
هبة الحجي؛ المرأة في سوريا المعاصرة: الثقافة والسلطة والسياسة اتّسم المجتمع السوري في بداية الثورة السورية عام 2011 بأدوار اجتماعية تقليدية، إلا أن الصراع كان...
Women in contemporary Syria: Culture, power and politics. (English)
At the start of the Syrian Revolution in 2011, Syrian society was characterised by conventional social roles, however, the conflict has had a profound impact...
Agricultural knowledge from academy to farming communities: The role of higher education in enhancing food security in Syria. (Arabic)
تقدمُ ديناميات الصراع السوري مجموعة معقدة من التحديات التي أدت إلى معاناة نحو 10.5 مليون سوري من انعدام الأمن الغذائي. استكشفت هذه الدراسة دور التعليم...
Agricultural knowledge from academy to farming communities: The role of higher education in enhancing food security in Syria. (English)
The dynamics of the Syrian conflict present a complex set of challenges that led to an estimated 10.5 million Syrians being food insecure. This study...
Agricultural Voices Syria: A podcast for promoting sustainable agricultural practices in Northwest Syria. (Arabic)
من أبرز آثار الصراع السوري على الزراعة هو انهيار خدمات الدعم للمزارعين في شمال غرب سوريا، والتي كانت تقدمها الحكومة قبل عام 2011. وقد أضاف...
Agricultural Voices Syria: A podcast for promoting sustainable agricultural practices in Northwest Syria. (English)
One of the most critical impacts of the Syrian conflict on agriculture has been the collapse of support services for farmers in northwest Syria, which...
A primary evaluation of Syrian forest damage since 2011: Alhamam and Alboz forests. (Arabic)
قيمت هذه الدراسة الأضرار التي لحقت بغابات الحمام والبوز الواقعة في محافظة إدلب السورية منذ بداية الحرب في عام 2011. وقد جرى تطوير نهج متعدد...
A primary evaluation of Syrian forest damage since 2011: Alhamam and Alboz forests. (English)
This study evaluated the damage that has occurred to the Alhamam and Alboz forests located in the Syrian province of Idlib, since the start of...
Cross-border-connected learning for skills development of Syrian agricultural engineers. (Arabic)
قبل عام 2011، كانت الجامعات الحكومية والمؤسسات الخاصة في سوريا هي المصادر الرئيسة للمعرفة والتدريب على مهارات الصناعة والزراعة. ولكن بسبب الصراع المستمر والأزمة الإنسانية...
Cross-border-connected learning for skills development of Syrian agricultural engineers. (English)
Prior to 2011, public universities and private institutions in Syria were the main sources of knowledge and skills training for industry and agriculture. Due to...
Determinants of the economic adaptation of refugees: The case of Midyat Camp. (Arabic)
وسام الدين العكلة: محددات التكيف الاقتصادي للاجئين: حالة مخيم مديات هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى استكشاف العوامل التي تؤثر على التكيف الاقتصادي للاجئين في مخيم مديات...
Determinants of the economic adaptation of refugees: The case of Midyat Camp. (English)
Determinants of the Economic Adaptation of Refugees: The Case of Midyat Camp The aim of this study was to explore the factors affecting the economic...
Development of chickpea NAM (Nested Association Mapping) population to find novel genes for Syria. (Arabic)
يعتبر الحُمّص من أهم المحاصيل البقولية في العالم. هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى إنتاج حمّص عالي الغلة ومقاوم للأمراض عن طريق إدخال جينات من أنواع برية...
Development of chickpea NAM (Nested Association Mapping) population to find novel genes for Syria. (English)
Chickpeas are one of the most important legume crops in the world. This study aimed to breed high-yielding, disease-resilient chickpeas by introducing genes from wild...
Discipline-specific knowledge gaps amongst higher education students in northern Syria: Causes and potential solutions. (Arabic)
The education sector in Syria has faced many challenges and changes since the outbreak of the conflict in 2011, due to factors such as displacement,...
Discipline-specific knowledge gaps amongst higher education students in northern Syria: Causes and potential solutions. (English)
The education sector in Syria has faced many challenges and changes since the outbreak of the conflict in 2011, due to factors such as displacement,...
Evaluation of Syrian university record systems in the non-regime conflict-affected North of Syria. (Arabic)
. تقييم أنظمة السجلّات الجامعيّة السوريّة في مناطق شمال سوريا المتضرّرة من النزاع والغير خاضعة لسيطرة النظام كان للصراع الذي استمرّ لأكثر من عقد في...
Evaluation of Syrian university record systems in the non-regime conflict-affected North of Syria. (English)
Evaluation of Syrian university record systems in the non-regime conflict-affected North of Syria More than a decade of conflict in Syria has had a major...
Exploring reasons for divergent local community responses to archaeological site protection during conflict in the Northwest of Syria. (Arabic)
عدنان المحمّد “استكشاف أسباب استجابات المجتمعات المحلية المتباينة لحماية المواقع الأثريّة أثناء النزاع في شمال غرب سوريا.” أظهر الضرر الرهيب الذي لحق بالتراث الثقافي السوري...
Exploring Reasons for Divergent Local Community Responses to the Protection of Archaeological Sites during Conflict in northwest Syria
The terrible damage to Syrian cultural heritage inflicted over the war has demonstrated the failure of international organizations and cultural agreements to protect antiquities in...
Exploring reasons for divergent local community responses to the protection of archaeological sites during conflict in northwest Syria. (English)
The terrible damage to Syrian cultural heritage inflicted over the war has demonstrated the failure of international organizations and cultural agreements to protect antiquities in...
Feminist movements between cultural heritage and revolution: Northwest Syria. (Arabic)
أيمن النابو. الحركات النسوية بين التراث الثقافي والثورة: شمال غرب سوريا ركّز هذا البحث على تأثير التراث الثقافي، أي العادات والأعراف الاجتماعية، على مشاركة المرأة...
Feminist movements between cultural heritage and revolution: Northwest Syria. (English)
Feminist movements between cultural heritage and revolution: NW Syria. This research focused on the impact of cultural heritage, i.e. customs and social norms on the...
Food insecurity in Syria: A perennial wicked problem. (Arabic)
تشير التقديرات إلى أن أكثر من اثني عشر مليون شخص في سوريا يعانون من انعدام الأمن الغذائي في عام 2021. وعادة ما تستلزم استجابات الوكالات...
Food insecurity in Syria: A perennial wicked problem. (English)
Over twelve million people in Syria are estimated to be food insecure in 2021. Humanitarian and development agency responses to food insecurity typically entail direct...
From shelter to home: Studying the requirements of moving to permanent housing for IDPs in the camps of northern Syria. (Arabic)
. يوسف الحمودي: من مأوى إلى منزل: دراسة متطلبات الانتقال إلى سكن دائم للمهجرين في مخيمات الشمال السوري. مع دخول الأزمة السورية الآن عامها الحادي...
From shelter to home: Studying the requirements of moving to permanent housing for IDPs in the camps of northern Syria. (English)
With the Syrian crisis now in its eleventh year, much of the scholarly focus has been on the lack of prospects for durable solutions for...
Gender balance of higher education in northern Syria challenges & solutions. (Arabic)
التوازن بين الجنسين في التعليم العالي في شمال سوريا: التحديات والحلول حظي التوازن بين الجنسين باهتمام ضئيل في مؤسسات التعليم العالي في سياق شمال سوريا...
Gender balance of higher education in northern Syria challenges & solutions. (English)
Gender Balance of Higher Education in Northern Syria: Challenges & Solutions. Gender balance in higher education institutions (HEIs) in the context of the non-regime North of Syria...
Globalising female Muslim piety: Transnational Qubaysiyyat networks. (Arabic)
ليلى الرفاعي.عولمة التدين النسائي: شبكات القبيسيات العابرة للحدود تأسست حركة القبيسيات في دمشق على يد منيرة القبيسي في ستينيات القرن العشرين، كمجموعة دينية فريدة للنساء...
Globalising female Muslim piety: Transnational Qubaysiyyat networks. (English)
The Qubaysiyyat movement was founded in Damascus by Mounira Al-Qubaysi in the 1960s, as a unique religious group to which only women are able to...
Graffiti in Raqqa: Social and political memory. (Arabic)
. حسن المحمد. الكتابات الجدارية (الغرافيتي) في الرقة: الذاكرة الاجتماعية والسياسية بعد اندلاع الثورة السورية في آذار 2011، وهزيمة داعش في عام 2017، ونقل السلطة...
Graffiti in Raqqa: Social and political memory.(English)
Following the start of the Syrian revolution in March 2011, the defeat of ISIS in 2017, and thede facto transfer of power to the Syrian...
Improved analytical signal (IAS): a new phase-based-filter for detection of unexploded ordnance. (Arabic)
الإشارة التحليلية المحسّنة: مرشح جديد قائم على الطور للكشف عن الذخائر غير المنفجرة تمثل الذخائر غير المنفجرة كالقنابل والألغام والقذائف مشكلةً عالميةً خطيرة، لا سيما...
Improved analytical signal (IAS): a new phase-based-filter for detection of unexploded ordnance. (English)
Unexploded ordnance, such as bombs, mines, and projectiles, represent a serious worldwide problem, especially in places where armed conflicts has occurred. Most UXOs in Europe...
Integrating Syrian refugee children in Turkey: The role of Turkish language skills – Gaziantep case study. (Arabic)
. إيمان سرميني: دمج الأطفال السوريين اللاجئين في تركيا: دور مهارات اللغة التركية – دراسة حالة في غازي عنتاب تستكشف هذه الدراسة القضايا المتعلقة بدمج...
Integrating Syrian refugee children in Turkey: The role of Turkish language skills – Gaziantep case study. (English)
This study explores the issues relating to the integration of Syrian refugee children aged between 11-14 years, into the Turkish school system, focusing specifically on...
Interdisciplinary collaborative writing for publication with exiled academics: The nature of relational expertise. (Arabic)
الكتابة التعاونية متعدّدة التخصصات للنشر مع الأكاديميين المنفيّين: طبيعة الخبرة العلائقية يستكشف هذا العمل تجربة الكتابة الأكاديمية التعاونية مع الباحثين في سياقات المركز والمحيط بعد...
Interdisciplinary collaborative writing for publication with exiled academics: The nature of relational expertise. (English)
This work explores the experience of collaborative academic writing with researchers in Centre-Periphery contexts, following the development and delivery of a workshop with exiled Syrian...
Maximising meaningful and impactful mental-health research for Syrian refugees during Covid-19: Co-creation, local relevance and ethical practice. (Arabic)
نُفذ برنامج “من الميدان” بين نيسان وأيلول من عام 2020 بُغية استكشاف تأثير جائحة كوفيد على حياة وسبل عيش السوريين الذين يعيشون في لبنان وكردستان...
Maximising meaningful and impactful mental-health research for Syrian refugees during Covid-19: Co-creation, local relevance and ethical practice. (English)
From the Field was implemented between April and September 2020, to explore the impact of Covid-19 on the lives and livelihoods of Syrians living in...
Rapid control prototyping for photovoltaic MPPT algorithms. (Arabic)
النماذج الأولية للتحكم السريع لخوارزميات MPPT الكهروضوئية تمّ تدمير معظم البنية التحتيّة للكهرباء منذ بداية الحرب في سوريا، ممّا ترك الملايين يعتمدون على طاقة لا...
Rapid control prototyping for photovoltaic MPPT algorithms. (English)
Since the beginning of the war in Syria, most of the electricity infrastructure has been destroyed, leaving millions with unreliable energy. In such regions vulnerable...
Real estate registry in Syria after a decade of conflict: A tale of 3 cities (Duma, Ar-Raqqa, Idleb). (Arabic)
أحمد قربي؛السجل العقاري في سوريا بعد عقد من الصراع: حكاية ثلاث مدن (دوما، الرقّة، إدلب) سيكون نظام “تسجيل العقارات” الموحّد والشامل والعادل أساسيًّا لتحقيق سلام...
Real estate registry in Syria after a decade of conflict: A tale of 3 cities (Duma, Ar-Raqqa, Idleb). (English)
A standardised comprehensive and fair ‘Real Estate Registry’ system will be central to establishing sustainable peace in Syria. This study sought to identify, analyse and...
Rebuilding higher education in northern Syria. (Arabic)
إعادة بناء التعليم العالي في شمال سوريا أدّت الحرب الأهليّة السورية التي بدأت مع الثورة عام 2011 إلى فراغ في التعليم العالي في شمال سوريا....
Rebuilding higher education in northern Syria. (English)
The Syrian civil war that began with the revolution in 2011 has led to a vacuum in higher education in northern Syria. Some universities have...
Recycled concrete aggregates from destroyed buildings in Syria. (Arabic)
إعادة تدوير الحصويات من المباني المدمّرة في سوريا أدّت الحرب الأهليّة السوريّة المستمرّة التي بدأت في عام 2011 إلى تدمير أكثر من 130 ألف مبنى،...
Recycled concrete aggregates from destroyed buildings in Syria. (English)
The ongoing Syrian civil war, which began in 2011, has left more than 130,000 buildings destroyed, 70% of which are made of reinforced concrete. When...
Report on a survey of mobility disability amongst Syrian refugees living in Turkey. (Arabic)
صهيب عبد الكريم: مسح لإعاقة الحركة بين اللاجئين السوريين الذين يعيشون في تركيا فرّ أكثر من 5.6 مليون شخص من سوريا منذ اندلاعالحرب الأهلية في...
Report on a survey of mobility disability amongst Syrian refugees living in Turkey. (English)
More than 5.6 million people have fled Syria since the start of theCivil War in 2011, seeking refuge in neighbouring countries such as Jordan, Lebanon...
Social networks of young Syrian families in Turkey: Breadth, nature and functionality relative to the absence or presence of extended family members. (Arabic)
. سلطان جلبي: الشبكات الاجتماعية للعائلات السورية الشابة في تركيا كان الهدف الرئيس من هذه الدراسة هو فهم تأثير غياب الأسرة الكبيرة على الشبكات الاجتماعية...
Social networks of young Syrian families in Turkey: Breadth, nature and functionality relative to the absence or presence of extended family members. (English)
The main objective of this study was to understand the impact of absence of the extended family on the social networks of young families in...
Survey and conservation of farmers crop landraces in Northwest Syria. (Arabic)
سوريا غنية بالموارد الوراثية النباتية للأغذية والزراعة (PGRFA)، بما في ذلك أصناف المحاصيل المتكيفة محلياً وذات الأهمية الثقافية، والتي تكمن قيمتها في خصائصها الغذائية وخصائص...
Survey and conservation of farmers crop landraces in Northwest Syria. (English)
Yasser ALRAMADAN.Survey and conservation of farmers’ crop landraces in NW Syria Syria is rich in plant genetic resources for food and agriculture (PGRFA), including locally...
Syrian cultural heritage during conflict: From destruction to reconstruction and its impact on Syrian cultural identity. The case of Aleppo. (Arabic)
محمود زين العابدين. التراث الثقافي السوري إبّان الصراع أدى القتال الذي اندلع في مدينة حلب بين عامي 2012 و2016 إلى تدمير هائل لكثيرٍ من التراث...
Syrian cultural heritage during conflict: From destruction to reconstruction and its impact on Syrian cultural identity. The case of Aleppo. (English)
The fighting that took place in Aleppo city between 2012 and 2016 has resulted in massive destruction of many of the city’s architectural and cultural...
Syrian food futures: Visioning for the future of food security in Northwest Syria. (Arabic)
شكّلت هذه الدراسة جزءاً من مشروع مستقبل الغذاء السوري الممول من صندوق أبحاث التحديات العالمية والذي أجرته شبكة One Health FIELD Network ( كان هدفنا...
Syrian food futures: Visioning for the future of food security in Northwest Syria. (English)
This study formed part of the GCRF-funded Syrian Food Futures project conducted by the One Health FIELD Network ( Our aim was to facilitate a...
Syrian higher education and social capital in times of conflict. (Arabic)
عبد الناصر الجاسم؛التعليم العالي السوري ورأس المال الاجتماعي في أوقات النزاع. تستكشف هذه الدراسة دور التعليم العالي في تعزيز رأس المال الاجتماعي كوسيلة لبناء سلام...
Syrian higher education and social capital in times of conflict. (English)
This study explores the role of higher education (HE) in fostering social capital as means of building sustainable peace in Syria, with a particular focus...
Syrian Humming Project. Dr Suk-Jun Kim, Korean Sound Artist & Composer. An evening with artists & collaborators. (Arabic)
Dr Suk-Jun Kim will be discussing the Syrian Humming Project.
Syrian Humming Project. Dr Suk-Jun Kim, Korean Sound Artist & Composer. An evening with artists & collaborators. (English)
Dr Suk-Jun Kim will be discussing the Syrian Humming Project.
Syrians only option in Middle Eastern agriculture: Findings from the ‘refugee labour under lockdown’ project. (Arabic)
تستكشف هذه الدراسة تأثير جائحة كوفيد على عمالة اللاجئين في الزراعة في الشرق الأوسط، بالاعتماد على نتائج دراستين إثنوغرافيتين أجريتا عن بعد: من الميدان (2020)...
Syrians only option in Middle Eastern agriculture: Findings from the ‘refugee labour under lockdown’ project. (English)
This study explores the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on refugee labour in Middle Eastern agriculture, drawing on results from two remote ethnographic studies:From the...
The constitutional culture of youth in northern Syria. (Arabic)
حسام السعد الثقافة الدستورية للشباب في شمال سوريا كان الإصلاح الدستوري من أوائل مطالب الثورة السورية عام 2011، تلاه في عام 2012 مطالب بدستور جديد...
The constitutional culture of youth in northern Syria. (English)
One of the initial demands allied to the 2011 Syrian revolution was for constitutional reform, followed in 2012 by demands for a new constitution and...
The destruction and looting of cultural heritage sites by ISIS in Syria: The case of Manbij and its countryside. (Arabic)
. عدنان المحمد. تدمير ونهب مواقع التراث الثقافي من قبل داعش في سوريا: حالة منبج وريفها استمر احتلال تنظيم داعش لبلدة منبج وريفها من 23...
The destruction and looting of cultural heritage sites by ISIS in Syria: The case of Manbij and its countryside. (English)
The ISIS occupation of Manbij City and its countryside lasted from 23rd January 2014 to 12th August 2016, a period during which the region suffered...
The destruction of cultural heritage in Syria: The case of Shash Hamdan Tomb in the Upper Euphrates, 1995–2020. (Arabic)
عدنان المحمد: تدمير التراث الثقافي في سوريا: حالة قبر شاش حمدان 1 في منطقة أعلى الفرات، 1995-2020. يقع موقع شاش حمدان على نهر الفرات في...
The destruction of cultural heritage in Syria: The case of Shash Hamdan Tomb in the Upper Euphrates, 1995–2020.(English)
The Destruction of Cultural Heritage in Syria: The case of Shash Hamdan Tomb 1 in the Upper Euphrates, 1995–2020 Adnan Almohamad The site of Shash...
The economic impact of displaced people on host communities: The case of Al-Bab District.(Arabic)
مسلّم عبد طلاس: الأثر الاقتصادي للمهجرين على المجتمعات المضيفة تبحث هذه الدراسة في التأثير الاقتصادي للمهجرين داخلياً على المجتمعات المضيفة في سوريا، من خلال حالة...
The economic impact of displaced people on host communities: The case of Al-Bab District. (English)
This study investigates the economic impact of internally displaced persons (IDPs) on host communities in Syria, through the case of Al-Bab District, a mixed urban...
The educational experiences of Syrian women in countries of asylum. (Arabic)
. حياة سنكر التجارب التربوية للمرأة السورية في دول اللجوء أدت الأزمة السورية إلى حركة كبيرة للاجئين السوريين إلى بلدان اللجوء، حيث سعت الغالبية إلى...
The educational experiences of Syrian women in countries of asylum. (English)
The Syrian crisis has resulted in a large refugee movement of Syrians to countries of asylum, with the majority having sought safety in Turkey where...
The effectiveness of online teaching & learning of Arabic as a foreign language in Turkish universities.(Arabic)
. ماهر جسري: فاعلية تدريس وتعلم اللغة العربية كلغة أجنبية عبر الإنترنت في الجامعات التركية نظراً لتفشي جائحة كوفيد، اعتمدت المؤسسات التعليمية في جميع أنحاء...
The effectiveness of online teaching & learning of Arabic as a foreign language in Turkish universities. (English)
The effectiveness of teaching and learning Arabic as a foreign language online in Turkish universities Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, online teaching and learning methods...
The effect of electricity shortage on the social wellbeing of people living in North and NW Syria. (Arabic)
تأثير نقص الكهرباء على الرفاهية الاجتماعية لسكّان شمال وشمال غرب سوريا بعد 10 سنوات من الأزمة، أصبحت الحياة أصعب من أي وقت مضى على السوريين...
The effect of electricity shortage on the social wellbeing of people living in North and NW Syria. (English)
After 10 years of crisis, life has become harder than ever for Syrians in the North and NW of Syria. Since 2011, millions of Syrians...
The effect of the Syrian crisis on electricity supply & life in NW Syria. (Arabic)
تأثير الأزمة السورية على إمدادات الكهرباء والحياة الأسرية في شمال غرب سوريا حلّلت هذه الدراسة الوضع الحالي فيما يتعلّق بالحصول على الكهرباء في شمال غرب...
The effect of the Syrian crisis on electricity supply & life in NW Syria. (English)
This study analysed the current situation with regard to access to electricity in Northwest Syria. Using a household survey [N=136], a questionnaire with generator owners...
The felt experience of food security: Role of the arts and humanities. (Arabic)
The felt experience of food security: Role of the arts and humanities
The felt experience of food security: Role of the arts and humanities. (English)
The felt experience of food security: Role of the arts and humanities
The feminine sense & sensibility in the narratives of 4 contemporary Syrian women writers in the diaspora. (Arabic)
رضا أنيس،الحسّ الأنثوي والعاطفة في روايات أربع كاتبات سوريّات معاصرات في الشتات تحللّ هذه الدراسة ثماني روايات كتبتها أربع كاتبات سوريّات بارزات، ولكلّ منهن تجارب...
The feminine sense & sensibility in the narratives of 4 contemporary Syrian women writers in the diaspora. (English)
This study analyses the narratives, i.e. 8 novels, written by four avant-garde Syrian female authors, each with their own diasporic experiences: Sawsan Jamil Hasan, Ibtisam...
The image of the Syrian in post 2011 novels from neighbouring countries. A comparative study: Turkey, Lebanon & Jordan. (Arabic)
، حسين أسوَد: صورة السوريين في ثلاث روايات تركية ولبنانية وأردنية. أدى اندلاع الحرب الأهلية في سوريا (2011) إلى حركة نزوح كبيرة إلى البلدان المجاورة...
The image of the Syrian in post 2011 novels from neighbouring countries. A comparative study: Turkey, Lebanon & Jordan. (English)
The outbreak of civil war in Syria (2011) has led to widespread Syrian displacement in the neighbouring countries of Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey. Studies have...
The impact of modernity on changing the roles and identity of Syrian women in food culture. (Arabic)
سعت هذه الدراسة إلى تحديد وفهم الأدوار المتغيرة للمرأة السورية في إنتاج الغذاء وإعداده نتيجة الصراع والنزوح إلى مجتمعات جديدة، فضلاً عن قياس تأثيرات “الحداثة”...
The impact of modernity on changing the roles and identity of Syrian women in food culture. (English)
This study sought to identify and understand the changing roles of Syrian women in food production and preparation as a result of the conflict and...
The impact of quality management in higher education (HE) in North-West Syria: A risk management approach. (Arabic)
أثر إدارة الجودة في التعليم العالي في شمال غرب سوريا: نهج إدارة المخاطر بحثت هذه الدراسة في نماذج إدارة الجودة المعتمدة من قبل مؤسستين للتعليم...
The impact of quality management in higher education (HE) in North-West Syria: A risk management approach. (English)
The impact of quality management in higher education (HE) in North-West Syria: A risk management approach. This study investigated the quality management models adopted by...
The impact of the civil war in Syria on road networks in the Northeast of Aleppo. (Arabic)
أثر الحرب الأهليّة في سوريا على شبكة الطرق في شمال شرق حلب ألحقت الحرب في سوريا أضرارًا جسيمة بالبنية التحتيّة المادّية لسوريا. إذ تمّ تدميرها...
The impact of the civil war in Syria on road networks in the Northeast of Aleppo. (English)
The war in Syria has inflicted extensive damage on Syria’s physical infrastructure. It has been deliberately destroyed, whether in cities or rural areas. The aim...
The Impact of the Syrian conflict on archaeological sites in Al-Hasakah province. (EAMENA PROJECT) (Arabic)
عدنان رشيد مامو، أثر الصراع السوري على المواقع الأثرية القديمة في محافظة الحسكة قيّمَ هذا المشروع أثر الحرب في سوريا على المواقع الأثرية في محافظة...
The Impact of the Syrian conflict on archaeological sites in Al-Hasakah province. (EAMENA PROJECT) (English)
This project assessed the impact of the Syrian war on archaeological sites in Al-Hasakah Province, through the detailed analysis of satellite images that were captured...
The impact of the Syrian conflict on wheat value chain. (Arabic)
تقدم هذه الدراسة صورة شاملة للتحديات واستراتيجيات التدخل في سلسلة قيمة القمح في شمال سوريا، فضلاً عن تحديد العلاقة بين الجهات الفاعلة في سلسلة القيمة....
The impact of the Syrian conflict on wheat value chain. (English)
This study offers a holistic picture of the challenges and intervention strategies in the wheat value chain in Northern Syria, as well as identifying the...
The psychosocial needs of displaced Syrian refugee youth in Turkish schools: A qualitative study. (Arabic)
رضا أنيس: الاحتياجات النفسية والاجتماعية للشباب السوري المهجر في المدارس التركية: دراسة نوعية – حالة غازي عنتاب تبحث الدراسة في التحديات التي تواجه اللاجئين السوريين...
The psychosocial needs of displaced Syrian refugee youth in Turkish schools: A qualitative study. (English)
The psychosocial needs of displaced Syrian refugee youth in Turkish schools: A qualitative study The study investigates the challenges facing Syrian refugee youth (14-18 years)...
The Relationship Between Food Insecurity and Mental Health Among Syrians and Syrian Refugees During COVID-19. (Arabic)
أُثيرت مخاوف بشأن انعدام الأمن الغذائي والصحة العقلية بين السوريين واللاجئين السوريين. من المتوقع أن يكون لجائحة كوفيد آثار تتجاوز الأمراض التي تؤثر بشكل غير...
The Relationship Between Food Insecurity and Mental Health Among Syrians and Syrian Refugees During COVID-19. (English)
Concern has been raised regarding food insecurity (FI) and mental health (MH) among Syrians and Syrian refugees (SSR). The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is expected to...
The situation of Syrian minorities after 2011: Christians. (Arabic)
نضال عجاج؛ واقعالأقلّيات السورية بعد 2011: المسيحيون كمثال حظيت قضية الأقلّيات السورية بعد ثورة 2011 باهتمام أكبر محليًّا ودوليًّا. إذ أنّ الجماعات المهيمنة المختلفة في...
The situation of Syrian minorities after 2011: Christians. (English)
After the revolution of 2011, the issue of Syrian minorities has attracted more attention both locally and internationally. The various dominant groups in Syria –...
Toward low-cost only vision autonomous wheelchair for disabled people: Corridor trial.(Arabic)
عبد الحافظ عبد الحافظ: نحو كرسي متحرك منخفض الكلفة يعتمد على الرؤية فقط للأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة: دراسة حالة السير في ممر نهدف إلى تحسين حياة...
Toward low-cost only vision autonomous wheelchair for disabled people: Corridor trial. (English)
We aim to improve the lives of disabled people. This project is motivated by the needs of Syrians whose mobility disabilities, many resulting from the...
University students’ mathematical knowledge gaps in Syrian conflict zones. (Arabic)
الفجوات المعرفية الرياضية لطلاب الجامعات في مناطق الصراع السوري يتعطل تعليم الشباب في مناطق النزاع بسبب انعدام الأمن والنزوح وفقدان المعلّمين وإغلاق المدارس وما إلى...
University students’ mathematical knowledge gaps in Syrian conflict zones. (English)
In conflict zones, the education of young people is disrupted due to insecurity, displacement, loss of teachers, school closures etc. resulting in periods of lost...
War and soft infrastructure in Raqqa: A visual sociological and historical approach. (Arabic)
الحرب والبنية التحتيّة اللينة في الرَقّة: نهج بصري اجتماعي وتاريخي لجأتْ قوّات النظام السوري منذ عام 2011 إلى تكتيكات عسكريّة ونفسيّة لاستعادة السيطرة على المدن...
War and soft infrastructure in Raqqa: A visual sociological and historical approach. (English)
Since 2011, Syrian regime forces have used military and psychological tactics to regain control of ‘rebel’ cities, often targeting civil and public places. After first...
Women in contemporary Syria: Culture, power and politics. (Arabic)
هبة الحجي؛ المرأة في سوريا المعاصرة: الثقافة والسلطة والسياسة اتّسم المجتمع السوري في بداية الثورة السورية عام 2011 بأدوار اجتماعية تقليدية، إلا أن الصراع كان...
Women in contemporary Syria: Culture, power and politics. (English)
At the start of the Syrian Revolution in 2011, Syrian society was characterised by conventional social roles, however, the conflict has had a profound impact...
Day 1: Welcome (Arabic)
10:00-10:15 – Welcome 10:15-10:40 – Keynote 1. Sustaining Syria’s Intellectual Capital: Academics as agents for change
Day 1: Welcome (English)
10:00-10:15 – Welcome 10:15-10:40 – Keynote 1. Sustaining Syria’s Intellectual Capital: Academics as agents for change
Day 1. Session 1. Societal Challenges (English)
Day 1. Session 1. Societal Challenges (Arabic)
Day 1. Session 2. Gender (Arabic)
Day 1. Session 2. Gender (English)
Day 1 Cultural Event. Women Writing Syria: Resilience, Solidarity & Movements (English)
Readings and performance poetry, roundtable and Q&A
Day 1 Cultural Event. Women Writing Syria: Resilience, Solidarity & Movements (Arabic)
Readings and performance poetry, roundtable and Q&A
Day 2. Session 1. Displacement (English)
Day 2. Session 1. Displacement (Arabic)
Day 2. Session 2. Integration and Education (English)
Day 2. Session 2. Integration and Education (Arabic)
Day 2. Session 3. Disability (English)
Day 2. Session 3. Disability (Arabic)
Day 2 Cultural Event. Syrian Cultural Heritage: Global North/South Collaboration (Arabic)
Day 2 Cultural Event. Syrian Cultural Heritage: Global North/South Collaboration (English)
Day 3. Welcome (English)
– Welcome – Keynote – Science at Risk, Risking more than Science – Cara Partnership Model
Day 3. Welcome (Arabic)
– Welcome – Keynote – Science at Risk, Risking more than Science – Cara Partnership Model
Day 3. Session 1. Infrastructure (Arabic)
Day 3. Session 1. Infrastructure (English)
Day 3. Session 2. Energy Security (Arabic)
Day 3. Session 2. Energy Security (English)
Day 3 Cultural Event. Documenting Syria: Health, Space & Activism (Arabic)
Q&A with BAFTA award winning director Waad Al-Kateab
Day 3 Cultural Event. Documenting Syria: Health, Space & Activism (English)
Q&A with BAFTA award winning director Waad Al-Kateab
Day 4. Session 1. Climate & Conservation (Arabic)
Day 4. Session 1. Climate & Conservation (English)
Day 4. Session 2. Syrian Food Futures (Arabic)
Day 4. Session 2. Syrian Food Futures (English)
Day 4. Session 3. Knowledge Exchange (Arabic)
Day 4. Session 3. Knowledge Exchange (English)
Day 4 Cultural Event. Syrian Humming Project (English)
An evening with artists and collaborators
Day 4 Cultural Event. Syrian Humming Project (Arabic)
An evening with artists and collaborators
Day 5. Session 1. Mutual benefits of HE collaboration (Arabic)
Day 5. Session 1. Mutual benefits of HE collaboration (English)
Day 5. Session 2. The realities & challenges facing HE in northwest Syria (English)
Day 5. Session 2. The realities & challenges facing HE in northwest Syria (Arabic)
Day 5. Session 3. Supporting quality HE in Northwest Syria: Roles & responsibilities (Arabic)
Day 5. Session 3. Supporting quality HE in Northwest Syria: Roles & responsibilities (English)
Dr Shaher Abdullateef
Shaher Abdullateef is an independent researcher and a member of the Cara Syria Programme. In 2014, he gained a PhD in Hydroponics and Biotechnology from...
Dr Musallam Abedtalas
Musallam Abedtalas has a PhD in economics. He is interested in the economics of displaced, with a particular focus on refugees, internally displaced people (IDPs),...
Suhaib Ajam
Suhaib Ajam taught English at Al-Zahra University in Turkey. He gained his MA Certificate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) from Aleppo University....
Samir Alabdullah
Samir Alabdullah is Director of the Arab Cultural Forum in Istanbul, Manager of the Hermon Cultural Forum, and a researcher at the Harmoon Center for...
Nidal Alajaj
Nidal Alajaj is a Syrian academic who studied English language and literature for his bachelor’s degree and English linguistics for his master’s. He was a...
Dr Manaf Aldakhil
Manaf Aldakhil holds a PhD in Agricultural Engineering from the Department of Renewable Natural Resources & Environment, University of Aleppo, where he then worked in...
Fozya Aldared
Fozya Aldared studied Arabic language and literature at the University of Aleppo, Syria. She then worked at the Geron Media Network in 2017 and wrote...
Abdulaziz Aldoughaim
Professor Dr Abdulaziz Aldoughaim is a Syrian economist and the current Rector of Free Aleppo University (FAU) in the non-regime areas. He is conscious of...
Hiba Alhaji
Hiba Ezzideen Al-Haji is a Syrian feminist academic, grassroots activist and novelist, living in exile in Turkey. She is currently studying for a PhD in...
Dr Fuad Alhaj Omar
Fuad Alhaj Omar received his MSc and PhD in Electronic Engineering from Aleppo University in 2009 and 2014 respectively. He completed a second PhD in...
Yousef Alhammoudi
Yousef Al-Hammoudi is a former lecturer at the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the University of Aleppo and at Al-Furat University in Syria. He now...
Dr Abdulnaser Aljasem
Abulnaser Aljasem is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Economics, Mardin Artuklu University and a PhD Supervisor for the Department of Economics at Sabah...
Waad Alkateab
Waad al-Kateab is a Syrian activist and award-winning filmmaker. She became a citizen journalist in 2011, after protests broke out across Syria against the Assad...
Dr Esraa Almashhor
Dr. Esraa Almashhour has a PhD in Agricultural Sciences and is a specialist in soil science and plant nutrition. She is a former researcher and...
Adnan Almohamad
Adnan Almohamad is an Honorary Research Fellow in the Department of History, Classics and Archaeology at Birkbeck, University of London, and in the Department of...
Dr Hassan Almohammed
Hassan Almohammed completed his master’s in 2008 at the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS), Paris, specialising in the theory and practice...
Dr Ayman Alnabo
Ayman Al-Nabo is a former lecturer of oriental languages at the University of Aleppo in the departments of Arabic and History, with a particular focus...
Mohammad Alobaidy
Dr. Mohammad ALOBAIDY holds a Ph.D. in Agricultural Engineering in Plant Physiology. He is a researcher at Van Yuzuncu University in Turkey, specialising in Nanotechnology...
Dr Wissam Aloklah
Wissam Aldien Aloklah has been an Assistant Professor in the Dept. of Political Science & International Relations at Mardin Artuklu University, Turkey, since 2016, has...
Yasser Alramadan
Yasser Alramadan is a PhD candidate in the Harran University Plant Protection Department. Since 2013, he has been working with International Non-Government Organisations (INGOs) involved...
Laila Alrefaai
Laila Alrefaai is a researcher in religious sociology in Syria. Through her master’s degree at Marmara University, Istanbul, she has carried out extensive studies related...
Dr Husam Alsaad
Dr Husam Al Saad is a social researcher and, before moving to Turkey to escape the conflict, was a lecturer in the Dept. of Sociology,...
Dr Rida Anis
Rida Anis is an Assistant Professor in English at Hasan Kalyoncu University, Gaziantep, Turkey. Rida studied English Literature at The University of Aleppo, Syria, undertook...
Dr Mirela Barbu
Dr Mirela Barbu is Senior Lecturer in Logistics and Supply Chain Management at the University of Sussex Business School. She spent fifteen years in the...
Dr Imad Bark
Dr. Imad Bark is an associate professor with a PhD in Sociology from Damascus University who specialises in the care and rehabilitation of people with...
Fatima Nawal Bazerbashi
Fatima Nawal Bazerbashi was born in Aleppo and has lived, worked and studied in Egypt, Greece, Switzerland, England. She was a lecturer in the English...
Omar Berakdar
Omar Berakdar is the founder of Arthereistanbul. He is a Syrian photographer and media artist, who also received training in media art history at Donau...
Dr Adrian Brennan
Dr Adrian Brennan is an Assistant Professor in the Biosciences Department of Durham University, a leading department involved in teaching and research across the breadth...
Dr Clara Calia
Clara Calia is a Lecturer in Clinical Psychology at the School of Health in Social Science and a Fellow of the Global Academy of Agriculture...
Nicola Dandridge
Nicola Dandridge took up her role as the first chief executive of the Office for Students in September 2017. The Office for Students was fully...
Dr Izdin Elkadour
Dr Izdin Elkadour has been the Rector of Sham University since 2019, where he has taught since 2016. He also held the position of Dean...
Professor Vince Emery
Professor Vincent Emery is President of the University of Hertfordshire’s branch campus in Egypt. Prof Emery obtained his BSc and PhD in Biochemistry from the...
Dr Hüseyin Esved
Dr Hüseyin ESVED has a PhD in Arabic. He has worked as an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Islamic Sciences at Bingol University, Turkey...
Dr Mohamad Faek Alnaser
Dr Mohamad Faek AlNaser has a Post-graduate Diploma (2004), MSc in Mathematics and Informatics (2010) from the Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics, Al Baath...
Dr Maurizio Guadagnini
Dr Maurizio Guadagnini is a senior lecturer and the director of the Heavy Structures Laboratory at the University of Sheffield, UK. He has extensive research...
Abdulhadi Hamdoun
Abdulhadi Hamdoun is a Syrian musician living in Istanbul, Turkey. arthereistanbul arthereistanbul was founded in 2014 by and for Syrian artists to serve as a...
Sultan Jalabi
Sultan Jalabi is a social researcher with experience in the areas of refugees and cross-community relations, social and cultural change, and development studies. He is...
Dr Maher Jesry
Maher Jesry is Assistant Professor at the Higher Institute of Foreign Languages, Ondokuz Mayis University, Turkey, where he teaches English language. He has previously taught...
Dr Bakry Kadan
Bakry Kadan is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Sham University and a Lecturer at Free Aleppo University, both universities in...
Dr Abdullah Kahraman
Session 1: Mutual benefits of HE collaboration Friday 10th December at 10:00-11:30 GMT English OR Arabic ‘Development of chickpea NAM (Nested Association Mapping) population to...
Amal Kassir
Amal Kassir is a Syrian American poet, born and raised in Denver Colorado to an Arab father and an American convert mother. She has performed...
Sara Khayat
Sara Khayat is a graphic designer and visual artist from Damascus, Syrian. Her work primarily centers on women’s issues, identities and forced disappearance in Syrian...
Dr Baraa Khuder
Baraa Khuder is a post-doctoral researcher at Chalmers University of Technology, Department of Learning and Communication. Her current work focuses on students’ interdisciplinary collaborative writing....
Dr Suk-Jun Kim
Suk-Jun Kim is a Korean sound artist and academic living in Scotland, UK. His research focuses on sound studies, immersive sound, phenomenological approaches to the...
Dr Tefide Kizildeniz
Assistant Professor Tefide Kızıldeniz is the Head of the Biosystem Engineering Department at Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University. She is an agronomist (MSc, PhD) and a...
Dr Ahmad Korabi
Ahmad Korabi has a joint doctorate in public law from Aleppo University and the Higher Institute of Law in the Middle East (EDDMO), Beirut, qualifying...
Dr Abdulkarim Lakmes
Abdulkarim Lakmes is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Harran University, Faculty of Agriculture, Turkey. He has participated in research related to plant breeding and...
Dr Ibrahim Mahmoud
Ibrahim Mahmoud has an MSc in chemistry (2007) and a PhD in analytical chemistry (2011) from Aleppo University. He has been working as a Senior...
Cagla Meral Akgul
Cagla Meral Akgul received her BSc in Civil Engineering (2001) and MSc in Computer Engineering (2006) from Middle East Technical University (METU), Turkey. She obtained...
Tom Parkinson
Dr Tom Parkinson is Senior Lecturer at the Centre for the Study of Higher Education (CSHE) at the University of Kent. With an academic background...
Professor John Provis
John Provis is Professor of Cement Materials Science & Engineering at the University of Sheffield, UK. He trained as a chemical engineer in Australia and...
Adnan Rashid Mamo
Adnan Rashid Mamo got his PhD in ancient history from Ain Shams University, Egypt, in 2005 and before being appointed to the Department of History...
Dr Abdulkader Rashwani
Abdulkader Rashwani is a Senior Lecturer and Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at Sham University, Syria, which is providing higher education to Syrian students...
Hayat Sankar
Hayat Sankar is a lawyer and PHD candidate in the field of management. She was a university teacher in Syria for four years, whilst working...
Dr Iman Sarmini
Iman Sarmini is a lecturer at Gaziantep University, Turkey, and has a PhD in Psychology. More recently she also started working at the Faculty of...
Jihan Sayed-Issa
Jihan Sayed-Issa is Syrian, now living in Gaziantep. She is an award-winning poet, short story writer, essayist and critic. She has several short story collections...
Dr Fateh Shaban
Dr Fateh Shaban is a Syrian academic and holds a PhD in Human Geography. He has taught at several universities, including the University of Aleppo,...
Professor Martin Spinelli
Prof Martin Spinelli is Professor of Podcasting and Creative Media at the University of Sussex. He is lead editor of the Bloomsbury Podcast Studies book...
Professor Judith Still
Judith Still is emeritus Professor of French and Critical Theory at Nottingham University. She serves on the REF Modern Languages panel, and will be Vice-President...
Ibtisam I. Teresa
Ibtisam Ibrahim Teresa is an award-winning novelist and short story writer. She was born in Jericho, Syria in 1959, and graduated in Arabic Language at...
Samar Yazbek
Samar Yazbek is an award-winning writer, novelist, journalist and activist. She was born in Jableh in 1970 and studied literature before beginning her career as...
Dr Mahmoud Zin Alabadin
Mahmoud Zin Alabadin is a lecturer in the Faculty of Architecture at Yilidiz Technical University, Turkey, and a visiting scholar at the School of Classics...
Dr Ann-Christin Zuntz
Ann-Christin Zuntz is a lecturer in Anthropology of Development at the University of Edinburgh. She is an economic anthropologist, with a focus on the intersections...
Scenarios of Reconstruction
“After the crisis, I was thinking what I can do to help,” says Dr Abdulkader Rashwani, a Syrian chemist from Aleppo. “Then it came to...
Opportunity and Loss
Professor Sarah Brewer is a good conversationalist and storyteller who has spent a lifetime involved in one way or another with texts and books and...
Spark of the Soil
In war, military strategy and tactics often ignore the impact fighting has on people or their land. Too often, no one is held accountable for...
The Call
Dr Maggie Grant believes that this country and she means “us/the entire UK”, not just Scotland, where she is based, has been severely damaged by...
Professor Anastasia Christou, a sociologist, feminist and geographer, is on her way to northern Greece to interview survivors of the Greek Civil War (1946-1949). She...
“I feel that the face-to-face contact made a real difference for my group of mentees.” Dr Debbi Marais, Warwick
90th Anniversary Publication
Michael Jenkins grew up in Cardiff. He graduated from the University of Leeds in the late eighties with a Bachelor of Arts in English, working...
Professor Johan Siebers is passionate about intellectual cultures and how they thrive through language, communication, and ideas. A healthy society is one in which academics...
In Solidarity: The Other Side of Hope
27 September 2023 Read this fascinating new collection of stories by 12 Syrian academics in exile who are participating in our Syria Programme, and by...
April 2023 Research Grant Awards
3 November 2023 Click on the titles to read the full abstract of each proposal.
New media article referencing SP-supported research on environmental impact of war
The Conversation, Prof Johnathan Bridge, 5 December 2023 Warfare ruins the environment – and not just on the front lines. A newly published article in The...
Continued Collaboration with AVS!
10 January 2024 Rebuilding agriculture in Syria is crucial to ensuring food security and its economic recovery. To this end, in partnership with Syrian Academic...
The Star of Mardikh
Dr Mussaab Alshbib is an electrical engineer by training and currently head of the seven-year-old Mechatronics Department at Sham University in Azaz, Syria. On a...
In Praise of the Critic
Dr Hüseyin Esved was born in the rural outskirts of Hama growing up on a farm of olive orchards in which he laboured until he...
As a little girl, Dr Abir Nasir dreamed of becoming a scientist. Her “highest ambition” she says, was to be hard at work in a...
The Heart of Academia
Over several years, Michèle le Roux has read Syria’s news and wondered how she might respond. She recalls a youthful trip there almost thirty years...
In Memoriam: Dr Imad Al Khattab
It is with great sadness that we learn of the sudden death of Dr Imad Al Khattab, who has been a valued member of the Cara...
Jehad Alrefaie – MSc Success!
Cara Syria Programme Fellow, Jehad Alrefaie, recently celebrates his ‘MSc in Innovation and Entrepreneurship’ at his graduation ceremony at the University of Bristol. He has...
Cultural Events
Researching & Writing at the Crossroads (2024-25)
Researching and Writing at the Crossroads (2024-25) “Researching and Writing at the Crossroads” is a course that challenges conventional academic researching and writing. Delivered by...
The Romance of Language
What leads to successful language acquisition has long fascinated Dr Cathy Benson. Theories abound, and it probably has something to do with having a positive...
Syria Programme Fellows to Present at Recycling & Reuse International Conference (5-6 Jul. 2024)
Dr Abdulkader Rashwani and Dr Bakry Kadan to present on their Cara Syria Programme supported study ‘Sustainable Reconstruction in Syria: Utilising Recycled Concrete Aggregate from...
Internationally Recognised Teaching Experience
Seven more Cara Syria Programme (SP) Fellows have successfully gained Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA), bringing the total number of FHEA recipients this...
Citations of SP Research Paper Continues to Grow
Syria Programme (SP) research papers are being increasingly cited, with over a quarter having been published in the top quartile journals. This serves to highlight...
SP Round Table: Challenges Facing International Aid Delivery to Northwest Syria: A Future Vision
This 2-day round table (1-2 June 2024) was convened by the Cara Syria Programme to bring together key stakeholders from diverse backgrounds and institutions, to...
Syria Programme IMPACT
Syria Programme Fellow Awarded ‘Best Presentation’
Dr Abdulkader Rashwani is awarded first prize for ‘Best Presentation’ for his conference paper ‘Sustainable Reconstruction in Syria: Utilising Recycled Concrete Aggregate from War-Damaged Buildings’,...
Syria Programme Fellows Hosted by UK Universities
Three Syria Programme (SP) Fellows completed ‘Syria Programme Research Incubation Visits (RIVs)’ of up to 8-weeks over May-July 2024, hosted by the universities of Edinburgh...
Syria/Türkiye Earthquakes
Challenges Facing International Aid Delivery to Northwest Syria: A Future Vision
This 2-day round table (1-2 June 2024) was convened by the Cara Syria Programme to bring together key stakeholders from diverse backgrounds and institutions, to...
Syria Prog. Fellow to Present at RGS-IBG Annual International Conference (27-30 Aug. 2024)
Sultan Jalabi’s study ‘Invisible Battlegrounds: The Transformation and Persistence of Informal Settlements in Syria during Chronic Crises’ co-authored by Layla Z., has been accepted for...
Syria Prog. Fellow Co-authors Chapter in Newly Published Book
Syria Programme Fellow, Dr Ahmad Khalil, in collaboration with Open University colleague, Dr Jerome Deveaux and Dr Sarah Cox, have just had their collaborative study...
Cara Syria Prog. Fellow Paper Accepted for ICEBT 2024 Conference!
Syria Programme Fellow, Dr Abdulrahman Hafed will be presenting on his work ‘Investigating the Effectiveness of Teaching Arabic Writing as a Native Language Online for...
Longer Term Research Partnerships
A growing number of the Syria Programme mentors have entered into longer-term collaborative partnerships with Syria Programme Fellows, following successful Syria Programme facilitated and supported...
Emerald Publishing Open Access Fee Waiver!
We are indebted to Paul Kidd at Emerald Publishing for approving an open access fee waiver in the International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and...
Sham University 2-day Science Fair
We are delighted to congratulate Sham University on its successful two-day Science Fair, showcasing dozens of theoretical and practical projects in various fields, including Mechatronics,...
Syria Prog. Fellow Independently Publishes Article.
We are delighted to share the news of a recent publication for which Syria Programme Fellow, Dr Mussaab Alshbib, is lead author, ‘Comparative analysis of...
Syria Prog. Fellow to Pursue PhD
Following successful completion of his MSc in ‘Innovation and Entrepreneurship’at the University of Bristol, Syria Programme Fellow Jehad Alrefaie has been awarded a University of...
To Our Wonderful Partners
We would like to yet again thank our wonderful partners who have supported the Syria Programme over many years. Including AdvanceHE, The British Academy, The...
Harvesting Hope: Innovation & Sustainability for Syrian Farmers
The Agricultural Development Centre in Azaz (Northwest Syria) is a facility dedicated to cultivating new plant varieties, testing advanced irrigation, cultivation techniques, and agrochemicals, and...