15-16 February, 2020 hosted by The Cara Syria Programme

RT4 Challenges Facing the Emerging University Sector in northwest Syria

Run in Istanbul, RT4 brought together the rectors and vice rectors of the two leading universities in northwest Syria, i.e. Free Aleppo University, a public university established in 2015 by a breakaway group of Aleppo University faculty under the auspices of the Syrian Interim Government (SIG), and Sham University, a privately-funded university, operating since 2016, with Syrian and UK academic colleagues allied to the SP, to review and prioritise the challenges facing HEIs in North West Syria. It led to five Cara-commissioned pieces of research on the following prioritised challenges: i. Gender in HE; ii. Professional development; iii. Student record systems (in the context of student mobility); iv. Student skills gaps at the time of university registration; and v. Quality management & assurance models in fragile contexts.

More Roundtables

RT1 Sustaining Syria’s Intellectual Capital: Academics as Agents for Change

09-10 June, 2016

Hosted by The Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul

Co-hosted in Istanbul by Bogazici University (Day1) and the Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul (Day 2),...

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RT2 Academic Development for Conflict and Refugee Contexts

21-22 June, 2019

Hosted by The Cara Syria Programme

Run in Istanbul, it brought together colleagues from other conflict affected HEIs (e.g. West Bank, Belarus,...

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RT3 Immediate & Future Challenges for Syrian Higher Education

24-25 June, 2019

Hosted by The Cara Syria Programme

Run in Istanbul, aimed to facilitate the development of strategies to support continued delivery of HE...

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