SRHE Conference – Reframing Education in Emergency
This plenary session provided a space to discuss and better understand the challenges facing higher education in situations of conflict. We heard from Cara (the Council for At-Risk Academics) UK partners and Sham University collaborators, who presented on the work they are doing as part of the Cara Syria Programme. Topics included key considerations in creating and supporting this kind of partnership; the challenges and barriers faced by researchers on both sides in situations of instability and persecution; and the research frameworks and methodologies employed and adapted to facilitate this work. It focused on displaced academic communities in the non-regime-controlled Northwest of Syria (NW Syria), where Sham University is located, and ways in which the global HE sector can support and advocate for those seeking to sustain access to HE in conflict-affected contexts.
- Tejendra Pherali, Professor of Education, Conflict and Peace, UCL Institute of Education.
Panel Members (in alphabetical order):
- Prof. Miassar Alhasan, Rector, Sham University, Azaz, NW Syria.
- Prof. Aysha Divan, Associate Professor, Faculty Director of Student Education.
- Dr. Tom Parkinson, Reader and Programme Director of the MA and PGDip in Higher Education.
- Dr. Abdulkader Rashwani, Vice Rector, Sham University, Azaz, NW Syria.
Link to recording:
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