Determinants of the economic adaptation of refugees: The case of Midyat Camp. (English)
Determinants of the Economic Adaptation of Refugees: The Case of Midyat Camp
The aim of this study was to explore the factors affecting the economic adaptation of refugees in Midyat Refugee Camp in Turkey, by using the Sustainable Livelihood Approach (SLA), with a slight adjustment. An initial focus group was held to help design the survey questionnaire with 11 participants drawn from camp community leaders identified in consultation with the Camp management, and several camp inhabitants who were known to the study team. The completed questionnaire was shared across the camps, eliciting 393 responses from amongst households residing in Midyat camp. Analysis of survey data indicated that the most important factors affecting adaptation by camp residents related to their human, economic and social capital, in addition to institutional support received. The study recommends increasing institutional support for refugees in camps through increased provision of vocational training and facilitating involvement in economic activities, encouraging their participation in trade unions and local professional, cultural and social associations, as well as helping to maintain ties amongst refugee families. Finally, it also recommended that stays in refugee camps be limited to no more than one year.