English for Academic Purposes (EAP) & Academic Skills Development (ASD) Workshop (28-30 April 2017)
Overall Aims To prepare for the experience of online language learning and to provide intensive interactive language practice.
Preparation for the online programme
- To incentivise involvement in and commitment to the online support programme.
- To provide a taster of the kind of activities which will be used in the online programme providing examples of activity types and establishing expectations with regard to the programme
- To discuss the challenges of and establish good practice with regard to online language learning
- To sort out potential technical difficulties with accessing materials and communicating with tutors
- To formalise commitment by requiring a commitment to a formal learning agreement
Language learning
- To provide interactive activities pitched at the appropriate level with appropriate academic content to raise confidence in language use, especially in speaking
- To provide on task and delayed feedback on English language competence and performance
- To activate previous language learning
- To generate a sense of a supportive learning / study community
- To produce of a tangible outcome / project from the weekend – e.g. poster presentation
ASD Workshop objectives
- To provide a structure and stimulus for participants to reflect upon their academic identities and aspirations
- To facilitate the sharing of insights and experiences
- To identify academic development priorities in the short and longer term
- To elicit insights and ideas relating to how these priorities might be addressed
- To gain insight and information that can be used to shape the design and content of the CARA Syria academic development strand
- To gauge the level(s) of English language ability within the group, and the implications of this for the pedagogic approach
- To provide opportunities for participants to practice and gain confidence in the English language comprehension and communication skills