Collaborative Developmental Partnership: Strategic Review and Curriculum Design (23-25 August 2024)
Led by: Prof Aysha Divan/Leeds University, Dr Tom Parkinson/Kent University and Tahir Zaman/Sussex University
Main Workshop Aims
- To reflect on findings and recommendations from the Sham seven action research studies aligned to higher education quality enhancement goals and implications for Sham’s immediate and longer-term development strategy;
- To consider strategic benefits and challenges associated with programme redesign at the institutional level to rationalise student learning pathways and fit with longer-term goals of the institution;
- To develop core principles that inform programme architectures and redesign for application institutionally, in alignment with European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) guidelines;
- To apply these core principles in the redesign of a subset of undergraduate programmes within the institution.
Key Learning Outcomes
- Identified benefits and proposed solutions to the challenges associated with programme redesign at the institutional level.
- Developed and agreed a set of core principles to inform programme design institutionally in alignment with ECTS standards.
- Applied the principles to identified programmes taking into account, and reflecting on, disciplinary norms, resourcing and student experience.