Identifying challenges facing the integration of war-disabled people in Northwest Syria

Syrian people have been living in extremely difficult conditions since 2011 due to the ongoing war, which has caused great harm to them. The continuing Syrian conflict constitutes a devastating humanitarian crisis affecting all areas of Syrian society. The destruction has had an impact on the psychological, physical and social needs of individuals and families, as well as on the whole of Syria through the destruction of infrastructure. The effects of war have been particularly devastating in the Northwest of Syria (NWS). One of the prominent results of the war has been the increase in disabilities. Persons with disabilities in NWS continue to face numerous barriers and challenges to their inclusion and participation in their communities, education, health services and the labour market. This preliminary study highlights problems and challenges facing disabled persons in NWS. It analyses the situation of disabled people and identifies the challenges that affect their inclusion into society. It also identifies ways to mitigate these challenges so that disabled people may pursue their valued life-choices.

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